NDS3  1.0.0
API reference manual
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
oCnds::BaseThis is the base class for all the NDS3 public classes that declare a device part (node, port, PV, etc)
|oCnds::NodeA node object that can contain other nodes or PVs as children
||oCnds::DataAcquisition< T >
||oCnds::PortRepresents a node with direct connection with the controlled device
||\Cnds::StateMachineRepresents a state machine to be attached to a node
|\Cnds::PVBaseBase class for objects that process a single PV (or attribute in Tango parlance)
| oCnds::PVBaseInRepresents an input PV
| |oCnds::PVDelegateIn< T >An input PV that delegates the read operation to an external function
| |\Cnds::PVVariableIn< T >An input PV object that also stores the value so it does not need to delegate the read function
| \Cnds::PVBaseOutRepresents an output PV
|  oCnds::PVActionAn output PV that delegates the read and write operations to two external functions
|  oCnds::PVDelegateOut< T >An output PV that delegates the read and write operations to two external functions
|  \Cnds::PVVariableOut< T >An output PV object that also stores the value so it does not need to delegate the read and write functions
oCstd::exceptionSTL class
|oCstd::logic_errorSTL class
||\Cnds::NoPortDefinedErrorThis exception is thrown when there isn't any Port defined in the device structure. Without a Port there cannot be any communication with the control system
|\Cstd::runtime_errorSTL class
| \Cnds::NdsErrorThe base class for all the exceptions thrown by the library
|  oCnds::FactoryErrorThis is the base class for exceptions thrown by the NDS Factory. Usually it is thrown while allocating new control system structures
|  |oCnds::DirectoryNotFoundErrorThis exception is thrown when the folder being scanned for control system modules does not exist
|  |oCnds::DriverAlreadyRegisteredThis exception is thrown when a driver with the same name has already been registered
|  |oCnds::DriverDoesNotExportRegistrationFunctionsThis exception is thrown when a loaded shared module containing a NDS device does not contain the export functions (see NDS_DEFINE_DRIVER)
|  |\Cnds::DriverNotFoundThis exception is thrown while creating a device when the requested device driver cannot be located
|  oCnds::StateMachineErrorBase class for all the exceptions thrown by the StateMachine
|  |oCnds::StateMachineNoSuchTransitionThis exception is thrown by the StateMachine when a transition between 2 states cannot be executed because the transition does not exist
|  |oCnds::StateMachineRollBackThe user implemented code should throw this exception from a state transition function to cause the state machine to roll back to the previous state
|  |\Cnds::StateMachineTransitionDeniedThis transition is thrown by the state machine when a delegated function reject the transition
|  \Cnds::TimeConversionErrorThis exception is thrown when there is an error in the conversion between the UNIX epoch and the EPICS epoch
oCnds::FactoryCommunicates with a static instance of the control system
oCnds::FactoryBaseImplThis is the base class for objects that interact with specific control systems and has to be allocated only once (singletons)
oCnds::IniFileParserParses an INI file and stores all the found sections and keys for future retrieval via getString()
oCnds::InterfaceBaseImplRepresents the interface between NDS and the control system API
oCnds::NodeImplRepresents a node (channel or channelGroup in the old NDS) which can contain other nodes
|oCnds::PortImplNode that holds an ASYN port
|\Cnds::StateMachineImplImplements the state machine
oCnds::PVBaseImplBase class for all the PVs
|oCnds::PVBaseInImplBase class for all the PVs
||oCnds::PVDelegateInImpl< T >Delegating Input PV. Delegates the read operation to an user defined function
||\Cnds::PVVariableInImpl< T >Implementation of an input PV object that also stores the value so it does not need to delegate the read function
|\Cnds::PVBaseOutImplBase class for all the output PVs
| oCnds::PVActionImplAction PV. Delegates the read/write user defined functions and set the value back to the control system
| oCnds::PVDelegateOutImpl< T >Delegating Output PV. Delegates the read/write user defined functions
| \Cnds::PVVariableOutImpl< T >Implementation of an output PV object that also stores the value so it does not need to delegate the read and write functions
oCnds::RegisterDevice< T >This is a class intended to be used as a static class for automatic registering of device supports
\Cnds::ThreadRepresents a thread