Action PV. Delegates the read/write user defined functions and set the value back to the control system.
| PVActionImpl (const std::string &name, write_t writeFunction, initValue_t initValueFunction, const outputPvType_t pvType=outputPvType_t::generic) |
| Constructor. Specifies the methods used for read/write. More...
| PVActionImpl (const std::string &name, write_t writeFunction, const outputPvType_t pvType=outputPvType_t::generic) |
| Constructor. Specifies the method used to write. More...
virtual void | read (timespec *pTimestamp, std::int32_t *pValue) const |
| Called when the control system wants to read the value. More...
virtual void | write (const timespec ×tamp, const std::int32_t &value) |
| Called when the control system wants to write a value. More...
virtual dataType_t | getDataType () const |
| Returns the PV's data type. More...
void | setValueBack (const timespec ×tamp, const std::int32_t &value) |
| Called when wants to set a value back to the control system. More...
void | setAcknowledgePV (PVBaseInImpl *pv) |
| Set the related acknowledge pv. More...
| PVBaseOutImpl (const std::string &name, const outputPvType_t pvType) |
| Constructor. More...
void | subscribeTo (const std::string &inputPVName) |
| Subscribe the PV to another input PV. More...
virtual void | initialize (FactoryBaseImpl &controlSystem) |
| Register the PV with the control system. More...
virtual void | deinitialize () |
| Deregister the PV from the control system.
virtual dataDirection_t | getDataDirection () const |
| Retrieve the data direction. More...
void | setDescription (const std::string &description) |
| Set the PV description. More...
void | setUnits (const std::string &units) |
| Set the engineering units associated with the PV. More...
void | setScanType (const scanType_t scanType, const double periodSeconds) |
| Set the scan type. More...
void | setMaxElements (const size_t maxElements) |
| Set the maximum number of elements if the data type is an array. More...
void | setEnumeration (const enumerationStrings_t &enumerations) |
| Assign enumeration strings to the PV. More...
void | processAtInit (const bool bProcessAtInit) |
| Specifies if the PV has to be processed during the initialization. More...
const std::string & | getDescription () const |
| Return the PV's description. More...
const std::string & | getUnits () const |
| Return the PV's engineering units. More...
scanType_t | getScanType () const |
| Return the scan type. More...
double | getScanPeriodSeconds () const |
| Return the scan period in seconds. More...
size_t | getMaxElements () const |
| Return the maximum number of elements that can be stored in the array (if the PV data type is an array). More...
const enumerationStrings_t & | getEnumerations () const |
| Return the list of string used to enumerate the integer values. More...
bool | getProcessAtInit () const |
| Return true if the PV has to bve processed during the initialization of the device. More...