NDS3  1.0.0
API reference manual
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
\NndsAll the classes and methods defined by the NDS3 framework are in the namespace nds
 oCBaseThis is the base class for all the NDS3 public classes that declare a device part (node, port, PV, etc)
 oCNdsErrorThe base class for all the exceptions thrown by the library
 oCStateMachineErrorBase class for all the exceptions thrown by the StateMachine
 oCStateMachineRollBackThe user implemented code should throw this exception from a state transition function to cause the state machine to roll back to the previous state
 oCStateMachineNoSuchTransitionThis exception is thrown by the StateMachine when a transition between 2 states cannot be executed because the transition does not exist
 oCStateMachineTransitionDeniedThis transition is thrown by the state machine when a delegated function reject the transition
 oCTimeConversionErrorThis exception is thrown when there is an error in the conversion between the UNIX epoch and the EPICS epoch
 oCNoPortDefinedErrorThis exception is thrown when there isn't any Port defined in the device structure. Without a Port there cannot be any communication with the control system
 oCFactoryErrorThis is the base class for exceptions thrown by the NDS Factory. Usually it is thrown while allocating new control system structures
 oCDirectoryNotFoundErrorThis exception is thrown when the folder being scanned for control system modules does not exist
 oCDriverNotFoundThis exception is thrown while creating a device when the requested device driver cannot be located
 oCDriverAlreadyRegisteredThis exception is thrown when a driver with the same name has already been registered
 oCDriverDoesNotExportRegistrationFunctionsThis exception is thrown when a loaded shared module containing a NDS device does not contain the export functions (see NDS_DEFINE_DRIVER)
 oCFactoryCommunicates with a static instance of the control system
 oCPVVariableInImplImplementation of an input PV object that also stores the value so it does not need to delegate the read function
 oCPVVariableOutImplImplementation of an output PV object that also stores the value so it does not need to delegate the read and write functions
 oCFactoryBaseImplThis is the base class for objects that interact with specific control systems and has to be allocated only once (singletons)
 oCInterfaceBaseImplRepresents the interface between NDS and the control system API
 oCNodeImplRepresents a node (channel or channelGroup in the old NDS) which can contain other nodes
 oCPortImplNode that holds an ASYN port
 oCPVActionImplAction PV. Delegates the read/write user defined functions and set the value back to the control system
 oCPVBaseImplBase class for all the PVs
 oCPVBaseInImplBase class for all the PVs
 oCPVBaseOutImplBase class for all the output PVs
 oCPVDelegateInImplDelegating Input PV. Delegates the read operation to an user defined function
 oCPVDelegateOutImplDelegating Output PV. Delegates the read/write user defined functions
 oCStateMachineImplImplements the state machine
 oCIniFileParserParses an INI file and stores all the found sections and keys for future retrieval via getString()
 oCNodeA node object that can contain other nodes or PVs as children
 oCPortRepresents a node with direct connection with the controlled device
 oCPVActionAn output PV that delegates the read and write operations to two external functions
 oCPVBaseBase class for objects that process a single PV (or attribute in Tango parlance)
 oCPVBaseInRepresents an input PV
 oCPVBaseOutRepresents an output PV
 oCPVDelegateInAn input PV that delegates the read operation to an external function
 oCPVDelegateOutAn output PV that delegates the read and write operations to two external functions
 oCPVVariableInAn input PV object that also stores the value so it does not need to delegate the read function
 oCPVVariableOutAn output PV object that also stores the value so it does not need to delegate the read and write functions
 oCRegisterDeviceThis is a class intended to be used as a static class for automatic registering of device supports
 oCStateMachineRepresents a state machine to be attached to a node
 \CThreadRepresents a thread