NDS3  1.0.0
API reference manual
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This example shows a fictional oscilloscope with 2 channels: one channel acquires a sinusoidal wave while the other channel acquires a square wave.

The Makefile for this sample is the following:

CXX = g++
CXXFLAGS = -std=c++0x -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -fPIC -pthread -DNDS3_DLL
# Flags passed to gcc during linking
LINK = -shared -fPIC -Wl,-as-needed
# Name of the nds library
TARGET = liboscilloscope.so
# Additional linker libraries
LIBS = -lnds3
# Source code files used in this project
SRCS = oscilloscope.cpp
OBJS = $(SRCS:.cpp=.o)
# Rules for building
$(CXX) $(LINK) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)
.PHONY: clean

The code shows how to add two channels to a root node by using Node::addChild() and how to use the DataAcquisition node.

#include <functional>
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <nds3/nds.h>
class Oscilloscope
Oscilloscope(nds::Factory& factory, const std::string& device, const nds::namedParameters_t& parameters);
nds::PVVariableOut<std::int32_t> m_squareWaveAmplitude;
void switchOnSinWave();
void switchOffSinWave();
void startSinWave();
void stopSinWave();
void recoverSinWave();
void switchOnSquareWave();
void switchOffSquareWave();
void startSquareWave();
void stopSquareWave();
void recoverSquareWave();
bool allowChange(const nds::state_t, const nds::state_t, const nds::state_t);
void acquireSinusoidalWave();
void acquireSquareWave();
std::thread m_acquisitionThreadSinWave;
volatile bool m_bStopAcquisitionSinWave;
std::thread m_acquisitionThreadSquareWave;
volatile bool m_bStopAcquisitionSquareWave;
// Constructor for our Oscilloscope device.
// It declares all the nodes and PVs in the device, then register the root node
// (which in turn register all its children).
Oscilloscope::Oscilloscope(nds::Factory &factory, const std::string &deviceName, const nds::namedParameters_t &parameters)
// Here we declare the root node.
// It is a good practice to name it with the device name.
// Also, for simplicity we declare it as a "Port": this means that
// the root node will be responsible for the communication with
// the underlying control system.
// It is possible to have the root node as a simple Node and promote one or
// more of its children to "Port": each port will interface with a different
// control system thread.
nds::Port rootNode(deviceName);
// We add a child to the root node: a variable that the user can set with the
// max. amplitude of the sinusoidal wave before the data acquisition starts.
// We save the variable in a class' member so later we can access
// it to retrieve its value
m_sinWaveAmplitude = rootNode.addChild(nds::PVVariableOut<std::int32_t>("maxSinAmplitude"));
// Another child is used to declare the maximum square wave amplitude
m_squareWaveAmplitude = rootNode.addChild(nds::PVVariableOut<std::int32_t>("maxSquareAmplitude"));
// Add an acquisition node: it supplies an input PV on which we can push the
// acquired data and a state machine that allows to start and stop the
// acquisition.
// This node is for the sinusoidal wave....
m_acquisitionSinWave = rootNode.addChild(nds::DataAcquisition<std::vector<std::int32_t> >(
std::bind(&Oscilloscope::switchOnSinWave, this),
std::bind(&Oscilloscope::switchOffSinWave, this),
std::bind(&Oscilloscope::startSinWave, this),
std::bind(&Oscilloscope::stopSinWave, this),
std::bind(&Oscilloscope::recoverSinWave, this),
// ...and this node is for the square wave
m_acquisitionSquareWave = rootNode.addChild(nds::DataAcquisition<std::vector<std::int32_t> >(
std::bind(&Oscilloscope::switchOnSquareWave, this),
std::bind(&Oscilloscope::switchOffSquareWave, this),
std::bind(&Oscilloscope::startSquareWave, this),
std::bind(&Oscilloscope::stopSquareWave, this),
std::bind(&Oscilloscope::recoverSquareWave, this),
// We have declared all the nodes and PVs in our device: now we register them
// with the control system that called this constructor.
rootNode.initialize(this, factory);
// Called when the "SinWave" PV has to be switched on.
// Here we do nothing (in our case no special operations are needed to switch
// on the node).
void Oscilloscope::switchOnSinWave()
// Called when the "SinWave" PV has to be switched off.
// Here we do nothing (in our case no special operations are needed to switch
// off the node).
void Oscilloscope::switchOffSinWave()
// Called when the "SinWave" PV has to start acquiring.
// We start the data acquisition thread for the sinusoidal wave
void Oscilloscope::startSinWave()
m_bStopAcquisitionSinWave = false; //< We will set to true to stop the acquisition thread
// Start the acquisition thread.
// We don't need to check if the thread was already started because the state
// machine guarantees that the start handler is called only while the state
// is ON.
m_acquisitionThreadSinWave = std::thread(std::bind(&Oscilloscope::acquireSinusoidalWave, this));
// Stop the sinusoidan wave acquisition thread
void Oscilloscope::stopSinWave()
m_bStopAcquisitionSinWave = true;
// A failure during a state transition will cause the state machine to switch
// to the failure state. For now we don't plan for this and every time the
// state machine wants to recover we throw StateMachineRollBack to force
// the state machine to stay on the failure state.
void Oscilloscope::recoverSinWave()
throw nds::StateMachineRollBack("Cannot recover");
// Called when the "SquareWave" PV has to be switched on.
// Here we do nothing (in our case no special operations are needed to switch
// on the node).
void Oscilloscope::switchOnSquareWave()
// Called when the "SquareWave" PV has to be switched off.
// Here we do nothing (in our case no special operations are needed to switch
// off the node).
void Oscilloscope::switchOffSquareWave()
// Called when the "SquareWave" PV has to start acquiring.
// We start the data acquisition thread for the square wave
void Oscilloscope::startSquareWave()
m_bStopAcquisitionSquareWave = false; //< We will set to true to stop the acquisition thread
// Start the acquisition thread.
// We don't need to check if the thread was already started because the state
// machine guarantees that the start handler is called only while the state
// is ON.
m_acquisitionThreadSquareWave = std::thread(std::bind(&Oscilloscope::acquireSquareWave, this));
// Stop the square wave acquisition thread
void Oscilloscope::stopSquareWave()
m_bStopAcquisitionSquareWave = true;
// A failure during a state transition will cause the state machine to switch
// to the failure state. For now we don't plan for this and every time the
// state machine wants to recover we throw StateMachineRollBack to force
// the state machine to stay on the failure state.
void Oscilloscope::recoverSquareWave()
throw nds::StateMachineRollBack("Cannot recover");
// We always allow the state machine to switch state.
// Before calling this function the state machine has already verified that the
// requested state transition is legal.
bool Oscilloscope::allowChange(const nds::state_t, const nds::state_t, const nds::state_t)
return true;
// Acquisition function for the sinusoidal wave. It is launched in a separate
// thread by startSinWave().
void Oscilloscope::acquireSinusoidalWave()
// Let's allocate a vector that will contain the data that we will push to the
// control system
std::vector<std::int32_t> outputData(m_acquisitionSinWave.getMaxElements());
// A counter for the angle in the sin() operation
std::int64_t angle(0);
// Run until the state machine stops us
// Fill the vector with a sin wave
size_t maxAmplitude = m_sinWaveAmplitude.getValue(); // PVVariables are thread safe
for(size_t scanVector(0); scanVector != outputData.size(); ++scanVector)
outputData[scanVector] = (double)maxAmplitude * sin((double)(angle++) / 10.0f);
// Push the vector to the control system
m_acquisitionSinWave.push(m_acquisitionSinWave.getTimestamp(), outputData);
// Rest for a while
// Acquisition function for the square wave. It is launched in a separate
// thread by startSquareWave().
void Oscilloscope::acquireSquareWave()
// Let's allocate a vector that will contain the data that we will push to the
// control system
std::vector<std::int32_t> outputData(m_acquisitionSquareWave.getMaxElements());
// A counter for the angle of the square wave
std::int64_t angle(0);
// Run until the state machine stops us
// Fill the vector with a square wave
size_t maxAmplitude = m_squareWaveAmplitude.getValue();
for(size_t scanVector(0); scanVector != outputData.size(); ++scanVector)
outputData[scanVector] = ((angle & 0xff) < 128) ? maxAmplitude : - maxAmplitude;
// Push the vector to the control system
m_acquisitionSquareWave.push(m_acquisitionSquareWave.getTimestamp(), outputData);
// Rest for a while
NDS_DEFINE_DRIVER(Oscilloscope, Oscilloscope)